Sam's Foundation | Paying Kindness Forward: Drew Mittermayr’s Story at the 2024 Sam’s Butterfly Ball
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Paying Kindness Forward: Drew Mittermayr’s Story at the 2024 Sam’s Butterfly Ball

Paying Kindness Forward: Drew Mittermayr’s Story at the 2024 Sam’s Butterfly Ball

On May 2, 2024, Sam’s Foundation hosted another amazing Sam’s Butterfly Ball, dedicated to raising funds and awareness for children and youth in need. This year’s keynote speaker, Drew Mittermayr, captivated the audience by sharing her deeply personal story about overcoming mental health struggles, including a suicide attempt in high school. Her journey, marked by resilience and healing, inspired everyone in attendance.

From the moment Drew was asked to speak at the event, she knew it was an opportunity she couldn’t pass up. With a background in public speaking, Drew felt at ease on stage, a comfort she developed while earning her Creative Communications Diploma at Red River College. Reflecting on her experience, Drew expressed immense pride. “After I got off stage, I thought, ‘I did it.’ The standing ovation was a tangible way to know my story matters.”

Drew’s story resonated with many in the audience, who approached her to share their own experiences. “It was amazing to connect with people,” she said. “Hearing my story helped a lot of parents understand their own children’s struggles. It made my experience feel even more meaningful.” One woman even reached out on Facebook afterward to express her gratitude for Drew’s openness.

For Drew, sharing her story wasn’t just about revisiting the past—it was about turning something dark into a source of hope. “My story gave me a chance to pay forward the kindness I received during my recovery,” she explained. Her message of strength and self-compassion struck a chord with many, especially as she urged young people to let go of the pressure to “get better” quickly. “You don’t have to put a deadline on your healing. Just take it one day at a time.”

Drew acknowledged that she still has her tough days but emphasized that the process of growing up equips you with more tools and a stronger support network. She encouraged people to keep learning from others’ experiences and to approach mental health with patience.

For parents, Drew’s advice was simple: “Connect with your kids in ways that aren’t always about mental health. Just be with them, even in silence. It helps take the pressure off.”

Drew also praised the mission of Sam’s Foundation and its partnerships with organizations like LiveDifferent and the Toba Centre, saying, “It’s amazing to see the results these partnerships create.”

Drew’s story left an lasting mark on all who attended, reminding everyone of the power of vulnerability, resilience, and community. Her journey from darkness to light embodies the very spirit of Sam’s Foundation—offering hope and healing to those who need it most.